Our Tokens

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Konra: Merit



Konra is a really small supply token, one whose value and market cap will hopefully organically grow as the community grows and as more people hold it, trade it and interact with SmartBCH with it. Each week or two there is the possibility of adding only 100 more to the supply, yet many weeks I skip the minting thereof to keep the supply lean and always corresponding with the growth of the project.

When it is minted, it’s to enable either that more community members can get a little Konra, to set up a bounty campaign, to increase liquidity or to fulfill some project / build the necessities to allow the project to thrive. Each time it’s minted the project grows and becomes more awesome!

Once the blockchain Nation is created then Konra will only be a few steps away from becoming a viable reserve currency and store of Value. We are already working hard for it to fulfill that use case in the future; including creating more trading pairs, increasing liquidity and boosting our community stronger every week.



Narath: Reward



Narath is a large supply token with most of it’s supply locked up in a series of time locks; it is meant to serve as a hard capped reward token that will eventually become more deflationary.

Currently it’s functioning as a reward token yet in the future it’ll be able to serve as a peer to peer decentralized token system for our decentralized Kindom. We help get it ready for this use case by distributing it to as many people as possible including the most ambitious goal ever: to manually air drop Narath to a Million wallet holders!



Rastjn: Reflection

Market Cap Listing Pending


Rastjn is a reflection style token allowing anyone to own a tokenized piece of the Kingdom. While it may start out as medium supply reflection token; there are a lot of avenues we can explore as a community for making community ownership of the Blockchain Nation a more tangible thing over time including funneling DeFi returns and income for various projects and technologies back to everyone who is a co owner in the Kingdom. Rastjn will likely also feature a place in any future Voting system which we will be developing in the future.


Tolizza: Annuity

Market Cap Listing Coming in the Future

Tolizza is an annuity style  token. It is stakable in a similar manner to Celery, yet in cases of Tolizza the staking APR is 300% with a payout of 180 Days.


 Seal NFT’s:

Coming in the Future!

An innovative and beautiful NFT series involving stunning art and creative elements to serve as Royal Seals in the Kingdom. Bearers of the Seal NFT’s can create Royal Houses; and hold status according to how many seals they own and hold. The specifics are still being decided and some will be voted upon by the community…


Techniques for boosting our tokens:


  • Having Farms; Ranches and creating a rewards program which gives rewards to holders of our tokens
  • The Innovative Million Wallet AirDrop & Creative Giveaways to decentralize our tokens
  • Boosting Liquidity over time & Introducing more Trading pairs
  • Experiments with Token Recycling
  • Collaboration with other projects for more immediate use cases while we grow our project fully

Our project and thus our tokens do everything differently, we try out new things and approach the crypto market with a different outlook; in the hopes of building one of the best token ecosystems and projects in the space…..

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